South Newton Administration Office
Board of School Trustees Public Notice
Public Notice Regular Board Meeting and Executive Session DATE/TIME: All upcoming board meeting notices will be posted in the Corporation menu. Address and times subject to change. PLACE OF MEETING: South Newton School Corporation Office 13232 S. 50 E. Kentland, IN 47951 The meeting site may not be fully accessible. Any person requiring further accommodations should contact the Superintendent, at the School Corporation’s central office. 13232 S 50 E, Kentland, IN 47951 Phone: 219-474-5184 |
Board Members
Amanda Berenda, President, York Township
Ryan Kindig, Vice-President, Washington Township
Cathy Zeider, Member, Grant Township
Candace Armstrong, Member, Iroquois Township
Anji Strasburger, Secretary, Jefferson Township

Superintendent Casey Hall

Administrative Professional/Webmaster Dawn Gerts

Treasurer Marci Hall

Payroll/Personnel Kim Wright